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Chrome becomes my default browser

Just discovered quite by accident that I can now zoom text in Chrome on the Mac (version 42) by double-tapping with two fingers. I gather this may have been added a little earlier this year but I only just noticed it. Anyway, that eliminates the last reason to keep using Safari, for me, anyway.

The other major advantage of Chrome is what Chrome calls "presentation mode". This provides true full-screen browsing, that is, the ability to fill the display with the contents of a single tab without menus, the bookmark bar, the location bar or visible tabs. Safari (version 8.0.5) can't do it at all. Opera Beta can do it, but does it badly. In Opera, once you hide the location bar, you can't type Cmd-L to enter a new URL. Presentation mode doesn't mean a lot to me on my iMac's big display, but on my 11" Macbook Air, getting rid of everything but the content area really makes a difference.

I'm getting closer to my dream: a world where all my hardware comes from Apple and all my software comes from Google.


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