Late last night (as soon as it became available) I upgraded both my Macs to the latest version of the Mac OS: version 10.9 "Mavericks." I also upgraded FileMaker Pro to 12.0v5, an update that mainly seems to provide better compatibility with the new Mac operating system. Tested some of my existing FileMaker database solutions and everything seems to be working fine. If you do upgrade to Mavericks, be sure to upgrade FileMaker Pro, as well. As for Mavericks itself, it's underwhelming, but that's not a bad thing, especially since it's free. The Notes, Calendar and Contacts apps got facelifts, which they needed. But Notes and Contacts are only slightly improved, while the new Calendar looks like one of the new iOS 7 apps, and I don't mean that as a compliment. I'm okay with "flat," but "flat and shapeless", not so much. I dunno. Maybe I'll switch back to Google Calendar. Tabs in Finder windows? A good idea, I guess. But seriously...
Blog of Rucksack Texnology, a small database and technology firm in Dallas, Texas. Main blogger: William Porter. This blog is used mainly for news pertinent to Rucksack T. and its clients, but will occasionally touch on other matters.